Nature photo tour Altai

(birds, herps, landscapes and wildlife)

Tour dates 2024

June 14 -22

June 23 - July 03

Tour details


Day 1

Altai adventure begins

We will meet you in the morning (8-9 a.m.) at the airport of Gorno-Altaisk (RGK) and, after having breakfast in a cafe, our trip will go along the Chuysky tract to the Seminsky pass with stops in search of birds. We'll be looking for Siberian jays, swallows, bluetails, bramblings, Pallas's Rosefinch, pine grosbeaks and many more. Along the way we will enjoy the beauty of nature: rocky mountains with coniferous trees. In the evening we check in and have dinner at the hotel.

Day 2

Aktash, great rivers Chuya and Katun

Today we will explore the beauty of the great rivers Chuya and Katun. We will pass by the Chike-Taman pass and in the evening we will reach geyser lake in Aktash and will enjoy its colours.
We will look for buntings (meadow, Godlewsky, pine, ortolan), pied wheatear, demoiselle crane, black stork, common and lesser kestrel, Sulphur-bellied warbler, redstart, imperial eagle.
We'll chase long-tailed ground squirrels near the Aidar-Kaya sanctuary and admire the ancient petroglyphs.

We'll spend the night at a hotel in the Aktash village.


Day 3

From Ulagan to Kosh-Agach

Today we will drive through the hard-to-reach places of Ulagan: we will explore the lakes for waterfowl and will also look for Pallas's reed bunting, Black-throated Accentors, Redstarts, Eurasian golden oriole, Eurasian wryneck, Cinereous vulture and many others.
By evening we will get to Kosh-Agach - our main location in this tour. From here, in the following days, we will make forays into the most interesting and wild places of the Altai Mountains.

Day 4

Mars and Kosh-Agach surroundings

Is there life on Mars? This is what we will find out together! Let's get to the red mountains and enjoy their unreal beauty. We'll see Desert Wheatear, Grey-necked bunting, brown shrike, Red-billed Chough, Barred warbler and who knows what else!

Day 5

Chikhachev Ridge and Nebesnoye Lake

We go to hard-to-reach places in the Altai Mountains close to the border with Mongolia. We will see Lake Kindyktykul in all its splendor, climb to Nebesnoe Lake, and look for Willow and Rock ptarmigan, Güldenstädt's redstart, Alpine chough, European nightjar and other wonders. And maybe we’ll even see Argalies!

Day 6


In the wildest places inaccessible to humans, we will look for Pallas's sandgrouse, Altai snowcock and other rare birds.

Day 7


Today is our final day in Kosh-Agach and it will be very eventful. Let's go look for Small snowfinch, rock sparrows and White-winged snowfinch. If we are lucky, we will meet argali and try to get closer to them. And the luckiest ones may be able to see the Pallas's cat - the most mysterious wild cat - we will pass by their habitat, so you need to look carefully!

Day 8

Chuisky tract

We leave Kosh-Agach district behind and start our way towards Gorno-Altaisk along the Chuysky tract. Along the way we will stop at already familiar places and a couple of new ones. We admire the breathtaking landscapes, say goodbye to the mountains, and look for birds along the way.
Day 9
Multa lakes
Eealy wake up, and a ride on "shishiga" (a well-known off-road vehicle) to reach lower Multa lake. From there we walk on foot and will reach the middle lake enjoing a lot of beautiful sights on the way.

Day 10


On our way back, we stop where we didn’t have time to stop earlier, take pictures of those we didn’t have time to photograph earlier.

Day 11

Flight home

Early in the morning we leave for the Gorno-Altaisk (RGK) airport, have breakfast in the cafe.

Around 9:00 we arrive at the airport and say goodbye.

We wish each other all the best getting ready for new adventures!
How to dress?

The weather in Altai is very unstable: from -2 in the morning to 20-25+ in the afternoon. You need to dress in such a way that you can walk comfortably and with possibility to take off somw clothes "layers" when it gets hot.
You need comfortable, non-slip shoes: trekking boots that cover the ankle are ideal.
Clothes from shorts and T-shirt to trousers, jacket (preferably wind and water resistant), hat and gloves.

What about ticks and other insects?
In Altai, ticks are a constant phenomenon, especially acute in early spring.
High shoes, tuck trousers into socks, cover your head (cap, hat or hood, it is advisable to tuck your hair).
After each day of the tour, shake off all clothes and examine yourself throughout the day.
Use tick spray
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis would is highly recommended
How difficult is the route?

The route is suitable even for unprepared travelers. We travel a lot by car and climb basic difficulty climbs.
What is included in the tour price?
The price of the tour includes transfer from/to Gorno-Altaisk Airport (RGK), road travel in comfortable jeeps, 2 remote trips to the mountains in off-road jeeps, hotel accommodation, guide services.
How is food organized?
По пути делаеWe make stops at cafes along the way. Average bill in Altai is 350RUB.
It is not always possible to have cafe lunches 3 times a day - the tour format is dynamic, we travel and walk a lot, and birdwatching can be very lengthy. Often we just forget that it's time to eat :)
We recommend stocking up on snacks for the road - everything is at your discretion (water, juices, fruits, snacks, etc.).
At the end of each day of the tour we stop at the store - there is an opportunity to replenish supplies.
At the request of the group, we will organize lunch in the mountains with cooking in a cauldron or making a barbecue.
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